1987 |
 | | Heavy Metal #110: 1987 Winter |
| Incongruent Stories #2 | | 8p. | Art & Script: Miguelanxo Prado |
| Level One | | 8p. | Art & Script: Miguelanxo Prado |
| Sensations | | 8p. | Art & Script: Miguelanxo Prado |
| The Red Shirt | | 5p. | Art & Script: Shepard, Laurent Theureau |
| Dieter Lumpen,,, Les aventures de #2: The Bad Guy (2. The Bad Guy) | | 10p. | Art: Ruben Pellejero, Script: Jorge Zentner |
| Roco Vargas #3: Saxon | | 54p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
 | | Heavy Metal #111: 1987 Spring |
| Captain Tozudo | | 4p. | Art & Script: Das Pastoras |
| Pilatoriam | | 8p. | Art & Script: Fernando Rubio, Juan Gimenez |
| Gangrène #1: Garbage | | 60p. | Art: Juan Gimenez, Script: Carlos Trillo |
| Sabotage!: Sabotage! | | 30p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
 | | Heavy Metal #112: 1987 Summer |
| The Gold Digger | | 5p. | Art & Script: Moebius |
| Roco Vargas #4: Distant Star | | 46p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
| Sillavengo: Sillavengo (1. Sillavengo) | 2/6 | | Art & Script: Massimo Iosa Ghini |
 | | Heavy Metal #113: 1987 Fall |
| Crossed Destinies | | 5p. | Art & Script: Francisco Gallardo Pons |
| No Respect | | 4p. | Art & Script: Miguelanxo Prado |
| The Creator | | 5p. | Art & Script: Herikberto |
| The Great Chief Of The Seattle Tribe Answers The Powerful White Man's Request To Buy The Indians' Land | | 3p. | Art & Script: Moebius |
| Tropicana | | 6p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
| Dieter Lumpen,,, Les aventures de #1: A Game Of Chance (2. A Game Of Chance) | | 10p. | Art: Ruben Pellejero, Script: Jorge Zentner |
| El Mercenario #4: El sacrificio | | 46p. | Art & Script: Vicente Segrelles |
| Freddy Lombard #1: Freddy Lombard | | 29p. | Art & Script: Yves Chaland |
| Hombre #1: Man (3. Man) | | 16p. | Art: José Ortiz, Script: Antonio Segura |