1985 |
 | | Heavy Metal #94: 1985 January |
| A Scene From The Divine Comedy | | 9p. | Art & Script: Beppe Madaudo |
| Sax Blues | | 8p. | Art & Script: Peter Smith, Liberatore |
| Cités obscures (Les) #1: The Walls Of Samaris | 3/5 | 44p. | Art: François Schuiten, Script: Benoît Peeters |
| Giuseppe Bergman #3: An Author in Search of Six Characters | 2/7 | 80p. | Art & Script: Milo Manara |
| Partie de chasse: The Hunting Party | 8/10 | 82p. | Art: Enki Bilal, Script: Pierre Christin |
 | | Heavy Metal #95: 1985 February |
| Albinos | | 6p. | Art & Script: Beb Deum |
| Cuestión de Tiempo (6. Chronology) | | 8p. | Art & Script: Juan Gimenez |
| Cités obscures (Les) #1: The Walls Of Samaris | 4/5 | 44p. | Art: François Schuiten, Script: Benoît Peeters |
| Giuseppe Bergman #3: An Author in Search of Six Characters | 3/7 | 80p. | Art & Script: Milo Manara |
| Partie de chasse: The Hunting Party | 9/10 | 82p. | Art: Enki Bilal, Script: Pierre Christin |
 | | Heavy Metal #96: 1985 March |
| The Stranger | | 8p. | Art & Script: Herikberto |
| Cités obscures (Les) #1: The Walls Of Samaris | 5/5 | 44p. | Art: François Schuiten, Script: Benoît Peeters |
| Giuseppe Bergman #3: An Author in Search of Six Characters | 4/7 | 80p. | Art & Script: Milo Manara |
| Partie de chasse: The Hunting Party | 10/10 | 82p. | Art: Enki Bilal, Script: Pierre Christin |
| Rebel: Rebel | 1/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
 | | Heavy Metal #97: 1985 April |
| Goodbye | | 8p. | Art & Script: Joost Swarte |
| Le Chat | | 6p. | Art: Béja, Script: Philippe Manoeuvre |
| Superflite | | 9p. | Art: Alain Voss, Script: Philippe Manoeuvre |
| The Fighter | | 8p. | Art & Script: Herikberto |
| Giuseppe Bergman #3: An Author in Search of Six Characters | 5/7 | 80p. | Art & Script: Milo Manara |
| Rebel: Rebel | 2/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
 | | Heavy Metal #98: 1985 May |
| Autocracy | | 10p. | Art & Script: Massimo Iosa Ghini |
| Giuseppe Bergman #3: An Author in Search of Six Characters | 6/7 | 80p. | Art & Script: Milo Manara |
| Rebel: Rebel | 3/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
| Roco Vargas #2: Rocco Vargas: The Whisper Mystery | 1/5 | 46p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
 | | Heavy Metal #99: 1985 June |
| The Destroyer | | 8p. | Art & Script: Herikberto |
| Giuseppe Bergman #3: An Author in Search of Six Characters | 7/7 | 80p. | Art & Script: Milo Manara |
| Rebel: Rebel | 4/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
| Roco Vargas #2: Rocco Vargas: The Whisper Mystery | 2/5 | 46p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
| Sillavengo: Sillavengo (2. Holiday) | 1/6 | | Art & Script: Massimo Iosa Ghini |
 | | Heavy Metal #100: 1985 July |
| In Our Own Image | | 4p. | Art & Script: Shann Deraze, Alain Voss |
| Metropolis | | 8p. | Art & Script: Sergio Sarri |
| Robots | | 3p. | Art & Script: Denis Sire |
| Freddy Lombard #2: Elephant Cemetary | 1/5 | 48p. | Art & Script: Yves Chaland |
| Rebel: Rebel | 5/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
| Roco Vargas #2: Rocco Vargas: The Whisper Mystery | 3/5 | 46p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
| Sillavengo: Sillavengo (3. In The Balkans) | 6/6 | | Art & Script: Massimo Iosa Ghini |
 | | Heavy Metal #101: 1985 August |
| The Sleeping Princess | | 16p. | Art: Juan Gimenez, Script: Lorenzo F. Diáz |
| Zabeth On Astrochnouff | | 3p. | Art & Script: Nicole Claveloux |
| Freddy Lombard #2: Elephant Cemetary | 2/5 | 48p. | Art & Script: Yves Chaland |
| Rebel: Rebel | 6/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
| Roco Vargas #2: Rocco Vargas: The Whisper Mystery | 4/5 | 46p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
| Sillavengo: Sillavengo (4. Forgetting Durazzo) | 5/6 | | Art & Script: Massimo Iosa Ghini |
 | | Heavy Metal #102: 1985 September |
| The Gray Man | | 1p. | Art & Script: Enki Bilal |
| Top Secret | | 16p. | Art & Script: Juan Gimenez |
| Freddy Lombard #2: Elephant Cemetary | 3/5 | 48p. | Art & Script: Yves Chaland |
| Rebel: Rebel | 7/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
| Roco Vargas #2: Rocco Vargas: The Whisper Mystery | 5/5 | 46p. | Art & Script: Daniel Torres |
| Sillavengo: Sillavengo (5. In Africa) | 4/6 | | Art & Script: Massimo Iosa Ghini |
 | | Heavy Metal #103: 1985 October |
| Tales Of The Galactic Inn: Khantrax's Bedtime Story | | 8p. | Art & Script: Beroy |
| Timescooter | | 6p. | Art & Script: Juan Gimenez |
| Dieu jaloux (Le) - Alandor #1: The Jealous God | 1/4 | 54p. | Art: Silvio Cadelo, Script: Alexandro Jodorowsky |
| Freddy Lombard #2: Elephant Cemetary | 4/5 | 48p. | Art & Script: Yves Chaland |
| Rebel: Rebel | 8/8 | 70p. | Art & Script: Pepe Moreno |
| Sillavengo: Sillavengo (6. Disappears) | 3/6 | | Art & Script: Massimo Iosa Ghini |
| Tragaperras: Ghosts (7. Ghosts) | | 8p. | Art: Horacio Altuna, Script: Carlos Trillo |
| Tragaperras: Risks (6. Risks) | | 8p. | Art: Horacio Altuna, Script: Carlos Trillo |
 | | Heavy Metal #104: 1985 November |
| Jessie, This Is Sahamis Base Calling | 1/2 | 16p. | Art: Carlos Gimenez, Script: Jack London |
| Dieu jaloux (Le) - Alandor #1: The Jealous God | 2/4 | 54p. | Art: Silvio Cadelo, Script: Alexandro Jodorowsky |
| Freddy Lombard #2: Elephant Cemetary | 5/5 | 48p. | Art & Script: Yves Chaland |
| Tragaperras: S & M (4. S & M) | | 8p. | Art: Horacio Altuna, Script: Carlos Trillo |
 | | Heavy Metal #105: 1985 December |
| Jessie, This Is Sahamis Base Calling | 2/2 | 16p. | Art: Carlos Gimenez, Script: Jack London |
| The Trial Of Marlon Malone | | 7p. | Art & Script: Caza |
| Modern Image | | 16p. | Art & Script: Joost Swarte |
| Papa Superstar | | 8p. | Art & Script: Julio Ribera |
| The Duel | | 4p. | Art & Script: Alain Voss |
| Dieu jaloux (Le) - Alandor #1: The Jealous God | 3/4 | 54p. | Art: Silvio Cadelo, Script: Alexandro Jodorowsky |