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Devil's Due Publishing

- Other books -
Cassaday, John

I Am Legion

ISBN: 9781934692653

Pages: 144

Year: 2010

Format: Softcover

Art: John Cassaday | Script: Fabien Nury

Je suis légion

#1 (2004) French Le faune dansant (as The Dancing Faun) (54p)

#2 (2006) French Vlad (54p)

#3 (2007) French Les trois singes (as The Three Monkeys) (60p)

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Davis, Guy

The Zombies That Ate the World

ISBN: 9781934692660

Pages: 184

Year: 2011

Format: Softcover

Art: Guy Davis | Script: Jerry Frissen

Zombies qui ont mangé le monde (Les)

#1 (2004) French Une odeur épouvantable (as An Unbearable Smell!) (54p)


A Domestic Drama In A Suburban Hell (12p)

Dead Girl Superstar (12p)

Terminal Boredom (12p)

Enter The Amazing! Belgian (18p)

#2 (2005) French Les esclaves de l'amour (as In the name of love) (48p)

Getting Nowhere Fast (12p)

Staring Into The Jaws Of Hell (16p)

King Of The Wild Reverb (12p)

#3 (2006) French Popypop ne répond plus (as Pop Pop is missing) (46p)

#4 (2008) French La guerre des papes (as The Pope War) (48p)

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