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Portrait of David Cerqueira

David Cerqueira


Country: France

Site: barkmann.over-blog.com


Incontournables de la littérature en BD, Les
Oliver TwistArt: Jean-Yves Delitte, David Cerqueira | Script: Philippe Chanoinat | Color: Siel
Original CoverIDW Publishing: Graphic Classics #2: Oliver Twist

Bull Graphic Classics #2: Oliver Twist

By: IDW Publishing

ISBN: 9781600103667 (64p.) (2009) Format: Hardcover

Buy this from: amazon.com | amazon.co.uk

Oliver Twist is the story of a young orphan who is subjected to ill-treatment in institutions in Victorian England. He falls into the clutches of the ghastly Fain and comes into contact with the seediest parts of London. The adventures of young Oliver are a story of fear, poverty, and the darkness of the human soul. Our young hero, caught between good and evil, has to survive amidst crime and a group of characters who are each worse than the other.

- Short stories -
The Big Bang TheoryArt & Script: David Cerqueira, Jean-Luc Masbou

Heavy Metal Special #37: 2004 Adventure